Biz Extra

Why Businesses Are Rushing to Connect Their Digital Ecosystems

Good communication is vital in all aspects of life and business. Within business, improving the way different systems communicate and synergise with one another is a... READ MORE »

Lease-end strategies: tackling dilapidations head-on

Nick Miles, Associate Director at Whitefox Chartered Surveyors explores a common tenant’s question and often misunderstood aspect of a commercial landlord’s lease-end... READ MORE »

The Evolution of Recruitment

Recruitment can be traced back to ancient Roman when soldiers were recruited, and in 45BC, Julius Caesar was credited with coming up with the first known employee... READ MORE »

Five tips to help drive consistently high performance with your team

Managers often feel frustrated when team members show inconsistency in their performance.  This lack of consistency jeopardises stable business success. Here are our 5... READ MORE »

New recruitment platform aims to tackle hiring inefficiencies

Recruitment is undergoing a significant transformation, with companies increasingly seeking innovative ways to attract top talent. Direct Hiring Solutions, the latest... READ MORE »

Family friendly rights in the workplace in 2024 – what do employers need to know

This year has seen several changes to the landscape for family friendly rights in the workplace. What are the main changes? Flexible working As an employee, it is now... READ MORE »

Leading through change: essential strategies for sustainable transformation

Change is hard.  Many organisations think they are pretty good at managing change, yet a long-held statistic claims that 70% of change efforts fail.  Failure could... READ MORE »

Unveiling the Dynamics: The Role of ERP in Manufacturing

In the intricate dance of modern manufacturing, effective resource planning is the linchpin of success. Among the pivotal solutions in this arena is the Enterprise... READ MORE »

Find out how to increase productivity across your team in this month’s Leadership Matters

Productivity is a buzzword we often hear but what do we mean by it? Completing tasks in less time with less effort could be one description. We think productivity happens... READ MORE »

Keeping up with changes to employment legislation – how to stay compliant as an employer

As soon as you start to contract or employ other people to work for your business, you take on certain responsibilities and legal obligations as an employer, like making... READ MORE »