Biz Extra

After months of training Olivia and Isabella join the teams at various Hampshire based businesses

AI Matters banner with Nick Carlile

By Nick Carlile [email protected]

Published: December 22, 2023 | Updated: 22nd December 2023

The team at Lifestyle Clarity AI have been developing a number of AI based team members over the past year.

Lifestyle Clarity logoThis has led to a range of successful deployments across a number of businesses in a range of sectors throughout Hampshire.

They have also been deployed across the UK and as far afield as the USA and Dubai.

Hampshire based business Sakrid who sell a range of hair and skincare products have deployed Isabella as their online customer service and sales agent.

Natalie Elliott, the Director of Clean Beauty Lab that owns the brand Sakrid, said: “Isabella has full and detailed product knowledge of each and every product and can help our customers with any questions about the products, delivery, the brand; pretty much anything.

“She can also help people choose gifts for a specific budget and help customers with skin conditions to choose the right product for them.

“She works 24 hours a day so it’s extremely convenient for our customers and as we are able to see each and every conversation, we can reach out to any customers that may need a little extra touch from us.”

Further afield, Olivia has been deployed at one of the largest home buying companies in the UK.

Working her way through around 10,000 ‘dead’ leads each month she has engaged these leads and found hundreds of newly qualified sales opportunities. These are then passed to her human team-mates to complete the sales process.

She has also been working her way through thousands of conversations that happen via Instagram and Facebook for a USA based company that helps foreign students to find their university of choice in the USA. Speaking every single language is a real skill that is not shared by many humans!

Both Olivia and Isabella have become integral team members alongside their human counterparts and are helping these humans become more efficient and effective.


Nick Carlile – Director of Lifestyle Clarity AI answers some FAQ about AI and its deployment

Q: Is AI going to kill us all?

A: Wow – straight in with this one. That’s a little bit of an extreme view and just like with any new technology there will always be people on both sides of the good / bad argument. There is a  lot of sensationalism around AI that the press love as it fills the narrative. I think that there will always be much more good than bad come from AI and with proper governance and legislation it will be used as a tool for the advancement of humans and not our destruction.

Q: Will it take jobs?

A: In short, yes! But it will also create jobs and allow people to develop new skills and careers. Forbes Magazine estimated that 85% of the jobs that will exist in 2030 have not been created yet. Most of these will come from technology advancements such as AI. The reality is that people and companies using AI will outperform and therefore replace people and companies that are not using AI.

Q: Just how powerful is it?

A: Imagine running your business now without the internet. I’m just old enough to remember the early days of the internet when a lot of businesses were worried about being online – now, no-one questions this.  Now imagine a tool that is thousands of times more powerful than the internet; and one that has the ability to be millions of times more powerful than the internet – that’s AI.

Q: What are the risks?

A: As with any new technology there are always risks. Security is obviously the one that is at the forefront of most people’s minds. But this is creating an abundance of opportunities with many companies pivoting to offer services to combat these risks.

Q: So then, can you talk more about the opportunities?

A: There are so many, across every single part of any business. We have chosen to focus in the sales area of business, as Sales Fixes Everything. But Ai can make your people much more efficient and drive productivity by multiples of ten to one hundred. Giving the AI tools to your people is a smart and profitable move for all businesses.  Knowing which ones to deploy in what order is a bit of a minefield and we offer guidance in a number of ways.

Q: How can we as business owners and leaders start with AI?

A: 1. Setup an AI task force. If you’re a small business this could be every other Thursday to review and implement some of the AI tools – there are around 10,000 tools that we know about.

2. Identify anything repetitive that your people are doing. And know that AI could do this. This will allow these people to perform more valuable tasks for you.

3. Allow your people to use the tools that are available to them. You wouldn’t stop the using electricity or the internet. AI will become as vital as these things. Control their usage in the first instance if you are nervous; but when combined with your AI task force this could be extremely powerful.

4. Don’t bury your head in the sand. AI is already here and gaining more and more skills every single day. Seek out advice and guidance on your specific business.

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